Tŷ Tawe Abertawe

9 Stryd Christina, Abertawe SA1 4EW

Capacity: 60

Croeso i wefan newydd Siop Tŷ Tawe! Gallwch brynu casgliad o ein nwyddau i gael eu postio, neu gallwch archebu i gasglu yn y siop am ddim! Rydym yn ychwanegu stoc newydd yn gyson i’r wefan, ond os nad ydych yn gallu darganfod beth rydych chi eisiau – gallwn archebu mewn unrhyw lyfr i chi. Plîs cysylltwch ar siop@sioptytawe.co.uk, neu ffoniwch ar 01792 456856.

Welcome to Siop Tŷ Tawe’s new website! You can buy a selection of our goods to be posted, or you can order to collect in the shop for free! We are regularly adding new stock to the website, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for – we can order in any book for you. Please contact siop@sioptytawe.co.uk, or phone us on 01792 456856.

Upcoming events at this venue

3 Friday May 2024

Pys Melyn

Tŷ Tawe Abertawe

1 Ticket option from £5.00